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Shamanic Journeys

Shamanic Journeys are portals into the realm of Spirit. They offer us an opportunity to remember the truth behind the veil and the multidimensional aspects of this reality.

Through a Shamanic Journey, we connect with our souls.

If we perceive ourselves only as a body or mind, we cannot access the full potential of this physical experience. When we expand our perception of who we are, everything changes. The memory of the past and the teachings of our ancestors can return together with an immense amount of soul gifts.

Shamanic Journeys help us to experience our connection with Father Sky and Mother Earth.

In our society, we all crave this state of reconnection and divine love. Often, we fill this gap and real need with material things, food, relationships or leisure activities. We distract ourselves from this core need because we do not even remember it in the first place.

The masculine aspect of the Divine is often associated with the Sky. Through the Above, we can retrieve our ancient origins beyond this time. We can connect with the Stars, and the Universe becomes our Home.

The feminine aspect of the Divine, the Goddess, is associated with Mother Earth or Gaia. Through the Below, we can heal and restore our bodies. We can connect with what is our birthright and reclaim our experience of Heaven on Earth.

Within a Shamanic Journey, we might see images, colours or shapes. Sometimes, we might experience the journeys through physical sensations or allow words to describe the overall process.

The first stage of a class involves grounding and reconnecting with the breath. Being fully present in our bodies is essential for our expansion in awareness and experience of different dimensions and frequencies.

We journey in a Sacred Space. After our initial landing within the practice, I open the space by calling in the 7 Directions. They represent all the aspects and elements of Nature. We call in the Sun/ Fire, the Ocean/ Water, the Trees/ Earth, the Wind/ Air and all their supportive qualities.

Our intentions guide the Shamanic Journeys. When working within a group field, we work with a collective intention but also have the chance to set a personal one within our heart's space. Our intention will be the compass for our journey.

Sound often follows and soothes the work, allowing further relaxation and individual connection with the energies. I use Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, rainsticks, and more!

Then, we are ready to enter the journey, where the drum takes over and leads the way.

There are many reasons for journeying. We can journey for guidance, vision, or healing. We can retrieve parts of ourselves or release dense energy and blockages on the path. We can connect with our ancestors, Higher selves and spirit helpers.

Through Shamanic Journeys, we can also deepen our relationship with the guides. They are always with us but can become more tangible and visible within the experience.

After our Shamanic Journey practice, we close the doorway to the Spirit world and gently return to the now. Then again, we spend some time grounding back into our body and listening to the sound of our breath.

We thank all the energies that have worked with us and release the space with gratitude.

**Regular classes are currently held in Edinburgh at Santosa. Audio recordings of guided journeys are also available on the Shop.

photo credit Lila Dolicher Peacock Eye


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