Divine Healing Master Key
Divine Healing is a multidimensional energy practice that aims to release any programmes and conditioning we might be experiencing in our life. It is a powerful tool for ascension as it supports the dismantlement of the old structure and enhances the reconnection to the Original Divine Blueprint.
Divine Healing Master Key invites us to remember and master the Universal law "ask and you shall receive".
During a session, we work with command codes that empower us back into Source. We co-create with our Higher Self and collaborate with a beautiful Healing Team of Light beings. They offer advanced energy healing transmissions and guidance into the alignment of Truth.

There is a strong empowering component within the practice as it is quite interactive and allows the receiver to consciously acknowledge and release old imprints, programmes and beliefs.
As always, each session unfolds around your intentions and needs. We listen to your Soul's journey and allow the highest good to guide the work into a path of healing and empowerment.
The practice of Divine Healing has been developed and channeled by Dr.Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire, Shekiera Shaozen and Mary Liomariss de Tute. During the sessions we will work with their original manuals, which include some of the following charts:
Chakra Functions
Light DNA Activation
Fears and Phobias
Quantum Energy Clearing
Hidden Subconscious Ego Agendas
Interferences and Blocks from Outside Influences
Judgements and Beliefs
Letting go of Attachments
Miasmic Programming
Main Low Frequency Programmes
Nutrition & Integration Charts
Birth Trauma
Past Life Deaths
Addiction Programmes
Qi Energy in the Subtle Bodies
Blocks to Positive Living
Self Sabotage Programmes
Yin & Yan Polarity Balancing
Grounding the Light
Moving forward on the path of Growth
Vaccines and Toxins
Land & Property Clearing
and so much more!
Where: Divine Healing sessions are available upon appointment in-person and online, either at Santosa Wellness Centre 21 Albert Street, Edinburgh, or St.Margaret's House 151 London Road, Edinburgh.
Exchange: £120 / or £100 One hour and a half session (90 mins) - in Edinburgh or Online.
*Therapies are offered according to your income or budget.
Please bring with you a blanket and some water, if possible.
If you wish to arrange a session or discuss your requirements email infowellbeingstudio@gmail.com or phone/text 07556575645.
**A Divine Healing Taster Session is also available on the Workshops & Recordings page. If you wish to have a sense of the practice and its frequency you can find it here.

Image design Nicolas David Ngan